Friday, March 20, 2020


TOBACCO USE essays In 1492 native Indians were smoking rolled up tobacco leaves. In the 16th century tobacco smoking spread to Europe. By the late 1800 tobacco tolled in paper called cigarettes were a major industry with billions being sold each year. Today there are many products that contain tobacco. Cigarettes and snuff are the most popular on the market. Cigarettes consist of tobacco rolled in papers that are flavored, and some with filters. Snuff that consists of thinly shredded raw tobacco air packed in containers to chew. Many leaders of the tobacco industry have yet to state that tobacco is an addicting drug. But in society today it is very convenient to purchase tobacco. With cigarettes a person can puff and inhale their lungs with smoke, and snuff a person must place in their mouths between your bottom lip and gum. Both are ingested into your bloodstream and can affect your body in different ways. Both uses of tobacco create oral fixation to the users. Such oral fixations are so controlling they can damage your body. With cigarettes it affects your lungs and throat. With snuff it affects your mouth, gums and throat. Both can cause bad breath. Both can stain your fingers and teeth the color yellow. Both can cause early ageing. Cigarette smoking can lead to cancer in many parts of the body, but not surprisingly most of the damage it does to the lungs. Chewing tobacco can lead to cancer of the lips and mouth. Most cigarette smokes would like to believe they could protect themselves from cancer just by using a holder or by switching to filter-tipped cigarrettes, cigar or a pipe. Unfortunately they cant. Chewing tobacco is even worse. The users of this believe that just because they are not inhaling it that they are safe as well. They are not. Two choices of tobacco use you inhale smoke or chew tobacco the effects are still severe. Both can cause disfigurement to the face, throat, and lu ...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Symptoms of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Symptoms of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome The symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome can vary depending on which type of thoracic outlet syndrome you have. And since it is a group of disorders not all symptoms may be present or even constant. Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome The most common type of thoracic outlet syndrome is Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome where the brachial plexus is compressed. By some estimates, 95% of all thoracic outlet syndromes are neurological in nature. Compression of these nerves results in symptoms such as: Pain in your neck and shouldersAn ache throughout your armAn ache in your handNumbness, partial loss of sensation or tingling in your fingersA weakening in your grip strengthGilliatt-Sumner hand, which is when muscles of the hand, particularly around the base of the thumb, atrophy or waste away Many of the symptoms of the neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome are similar to other nerve-related repetitive stress injuries where swelling or inflammation presses on the nerve. This can send shooting pains or radiate aching throughout the affected area. Compression of a nerve can also restrict the signals flowing along the nerve resulting in a loss of sensation or tingling. Since the nerves control the actions of the muscles if the signals are lost or otherwise affected the muscles cannot operate efficiently and you experience weakness. With a prolonged loss of nerve supply, the muscles will atrophy and waste away to be reabsorbed by the body. Vascular Thoracic Outlet Syndrome In Vascular Thoracic Outlet Syndrome where either the subclavian artery or the subclavian vein are compressed symptoms are consistent with reduced blood flow such as: Pain and possible swelling of the armA loss of color at your extremities (hand and/or fingers)A weak pulse in your armA bluish discoloration of your extremities (hand and/or fingers)Infarcts, or tiny spots (usually black) on your extremities (hand and/or fingers)A throbbing lump near your collarboneA blood clot under your collarbone (known as a subclavian thrombosis) The symptoms of vascular thoracic outlet syndrome are typical complications resulting from reduced blood flow. Low blood supply can show up as pallor or loss of color as well as a weak pulse. This is most likely associated with compression of the subclavian artery on the supply side of things. That compression may also result in a throbbing lump near your color bone a result of an area of higher blood pressure as the nominal blood supply is forced through a smaller opening. Restriction of the subclavian vein on the return side can lead to a buildup of oxygen-depleted blood resulting in a bluish discoloration. It can also show itself in the form of pain and swelling as the blood pressure increases from a normal supply and a reduced ability to return it to the heart causing a backup of blood in the arm. Reduced blood flow from either the supply or the return side can increase the chance of a thrombosis or blood clot as well as infarcts. A loss of blood supply may also contribute to muscle atrophy in some cases but the reduction in vascular thoracic outlet syndrome is not normally considered great enough to cause atrophy without causing other major concerns first. Non-Specific Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Non-specific Thoracic Outlet Syndrome is so named because the cause is not clearly identifiable. In these cases, the symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome may be a combination of both neurogenic and vascular disorders or simply a pain or ache throughout the arms and shoulders or around the upper chest and collarbone.